They commit to do things but rarely follow through. General CommentThis song means alot to me, because it reminds me of my ex-girlfriend. A person who is very unreliable. Forming or tending to form flakes or thin, crisp fragments: flaky pastry. Flakey - definition of flakey by The Free Dictionary. So called for its flaky appearance and bluish color. 2. Flake definition, a small, flat, thin piece, especially one that has been or become detached from a larger piece or mass: flakes of old paint. They will seem sincere when they make a promise. Translate Flake. (1) Fish were fed on a mixture of commercial flake and live food once per day. cokespoon A spoon used in the snorting of cocaine. See more. Verb: To cancel previously agreed upon plans last minute, or simply not show up Noun: the act of flaking out Countertops can be made from flakeboard, but due to the constraints from the shavings of wood, it is more likely that engineered-wood countertops will be made from particle or … Maybe the flake was closer to your ideal woman (or man) than this other one, but that doesn’t matter. See 13 authoritative translations of Flake in Spanish with example sentences, conjugations and audio pronunciations. Find 34 ways to say flake, along with antonyms, related words, and example sentences at, the world's most trusted free thesaurus. No matter how pretty or handsome a flake is, a pattern of flaking means the flake isn’t your ideal woman or man . est 1. Flaker definition is - one that flakes: such as. (3) Remove the skin from the fish, then carefully flake the flesh with your fingers. Flake board will most frequently be used in the construction of cabinet side and rear walls. d: a prehistoric implement of bone or other material used to press off flakes of stone in making stone implements The term is controversial. flake definition: 1. a small, thin piece of something, especially if it has come from a surface covered with a layer…. sort form. Okay, now let’s look at the word flake: as a noun, one definition of flake is a single turn or several turns of rope in a coil, more properly called a fake. View by: Highest Rated; Most Recent; Oldest First +4. Flake song meanings Add Your Thoughts 199 Comments. Is it true that he put down the cokespoon and is finally getting some help? Yo, I tried a bump of fish flakes last night, and my whole face went numb from it. Learn more. And perhaps they honestly believe they can deliver. Made of or resembling flakes. (2) Season the fish and cook either under an overhead grill, or over the coals until a flake of fish can be pulled easily from the bone. But don't be fooled, trusting a flake will only cause you frustration and heartache when they frequently let you down. fish flakes slang Very potent high-quality cocaine.
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